Maurice Vellekoop’s Pin-ups
Green Candy Press 2009
A collection of pictures of sexsational men of all types and sizes, from Maurice e Vellekoop, the creator of Maurice Vellekoop’s ABC Book, A Homoerotic Primer. Inspired by the golden age of great girlie artists like Vargas and Gil Elvgren, Vellekoop brings the cheekiness and wit of those masters to the world of gay erotica.

Maurice Vellekoop’s Pin-ups
Green Candy Press 2009

A collection of pictures of sexsational men of all types and sizes, from Maurice Vellekoop, the creator of Maurice Vellekoop’s ABC Book, A Homoerotic Primer. Inspired by the golden age of great girlie artists like Vargas and Gil Elvgren, Vellekoop brings the cheekiness and wit of those masters to the world of gay erotica.